Neera Opatajji-Hirken, a female Human, entered into marriage with Mirkovig Hirken, who held the position of Viceprex within the Corporate Security branch of the Corporate Sector Authority. Originating from a distinguished family on Opatajji, Opatajji-Hirken experienced a life of privilege before her union with Hirken, an individual rapidly ascending the ranks of the Corporate Sector hierarchy. However, their marital bond lacked affection, a situation exacerbated by their relocation to the isolated asteroid Mytus VII, where Hirken oversaw the establishment and operation of the Stars' End prison. Following the disastrous collapse of the prison facility during a jailbreak by Stars' End's inmates, Opatajji-Hirken committed murder against her husband when he attempted to flee without her.

Neera Opatajji, the fourth daughter of the Duke reigning over the planet Opatajji, was raised in extreme luxury, attending numerous high-society events at her family's expansive estate. Despite the immense wealth and lavishness of her home, Opatajji frequently felt both bored and isolated, yearning for a means to escape her family's residence. Her desire was fulfilled when she married Mirkovig Hirken, an ambitious executive swiftly climbing the ranks within the Corporate Sector Authority. While Neera Opatajji-Hirken, as she was now known, reveled in her husband's rapid advancement within the Authority's organizational structure, ultimately reaching the position of Viceprex of Corporate Security, it did not bring her greater happiness. This was especially true after she and her husband relocated to the desolate asteroid Mytus VII, where Hirken had taken on a role overseeing a novel experimental prison venture known as Stars' End.
There, the indulgences she had grown accustomed to, such as elaborate parties and affairs with Hirken's subordinates, became entirely unattainable as the couple moved into living quarters situated within the prison complex itself. However, in 2 BBY, a glimmer of hope appeared when a group of entertainers, "Madam Atuarre's Roving Performers," arrived to put on a show at Stars' End. Opatajji-Hirken was excited by the prospect of a break from her persistent boredom. However, the visitors were not performers at all: they were actually a group of friends and family of Stars' End prisoners, who had arrived to stage a jailbreak. While Hirken, partly due to Neera's encouragement, permitted the performance to proceed, he was primarily interested in witnessing his Mark X Executioner gladiator droid engage in combat against one of the visitors' droids, Bollux.
Although Neera enjoyed the acrobatics of the Trianii Atuarre and her cub Pakka, her impatient husband abruptly ended the performance to proceed directly to the fighting. From that point, events quickly spiraled out of control: the diminutive Bollux unexpectedly defeated Hirken's droid, leading to a confrontation between Hirken and the group's leader, the Corellian smuggler Han Solo. At Hirken's instigation, Solo and Hirken's bodyguard Uul-Rha-Shan engaged in a gunfight, which culminated in a massive power plant explosion that obliterated Stars' End from the surface of Mytus VII. In the ensuing chaos, Neera attempted to flee the doomed station alongside her husband. However, Hirken abandoned her in order to separately attempt to negotiate a deal with Solo. Enraged and betrayed, Neera tracked her husband through the smoke-filled corridors of Stars' End, and shot him in the back with a blaster pistol before she was killed when the station crashed back onto Mytus VII's surface.
Neera Opatajji-Hirken was renowned, even within her privileged social circle, for her superficiality and lack of depth, caring only for her wealth and the associated luxuries. From a young age, she exhibited a spoiled and headstrong nature, viewing her sisters as rivals for the attention of young bachelors visiting their estate. Although she achieved the successful marriage she desired by marrying Mirkovig Hirken, she remained as lonely and bored as before, attempting to alleviate her emptiness through extravagant spending and extramarital affairs. She also harbored little affection for her husband, enjoying his career achievements but despising his fondness for gladiator droids and deeply resenting his decision to bring them to Stars' End. Eventually, she began to hold Hirken responsible for all the problems in her life, and felt no remorse when she ultimately killed him. Opatajji-Hirken, who was short and overweight, typically adorned herself with expensive jewelry and robes, and took great pride in her fashion sense.
Neera Opatajji-Hirken made her debut appearance in Han Solo at Stars' End, a novel penned by Brian Daley and published in 1979. She was subsequently illustrated by Mike Vilardi in 1993's Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook, having been excluded from the Han Solo at Stars' End comic adaptation. In that version of the story, Mirkovig Hirken is killed by his bodyguard, Uul-Rha-Shan.