The mission to free the political prisoners held at Stars' End, known within Corporate Sector Authority communications as the Mytus VII disaster, was titled the Liberation of Stars' End.
Both Han Solo and Atuarre had loved ones imprisoned at the Corporate Sector Authority detention center on Stars' End, yet lacked a strategy for a breakout. After eavesdropping on a message sent from the Imperial Entertainers' Guild to Viceprex Hirken, the warden of Stars' End, they devised a scheme to sneak into the facility. Along with Atuarre's offspring, Pakka, and the labor droid Bollux, they created a disguise as a performing group called Madame Atuarre's Roving Performers, hoping to gain access to Stars' End.
Upon landing on Mytus VII, the team encountered Viceprex Hirken, who showed little interest in entertainment, but eagerly anticipated the battle between his Mark X Executioner droid and Bollux, disguised as Annihilator. Claiming Annihilator required repairs to his auxiliary management circuitry, Han requested the use of a circuit scanner, to diagnose the problem.
Once they reached the computer level, Han Solo and Blue Max began searching for the missing individuals, while Atuarre and Pakka provided amusement for the officials present. Instead of a detention level, Han and the probe droid discovered a tier block containing numerous stasis booths that were consuming a significant amount of energy from the base's power source. Solo formulated a plan to initiate load-shedding on the tower's backup systems, leading to an overload spiral. Han also managed to sabotage the plant's primary control components, resulting in a power plant explosion. The tower, constructed with molecularly bonded armor and protected by a deflector shield, survived the blast but was propelled into a high-altitude arc, far above the planet's surface.

Amidst the chaos preceding the explosion, Atuarre and her young one returned to the Millennium Falcon, while Han departed to assist the captives. After the tower left the surface, the power management routers prioritized life support systems, disregarding the substantial energy needed to maintain the stasis booths' entropy fields. Many prisoners were gradually awakening from their booths as Solo arrived, including Chewbacca, Doc, and Atuarre's partner, Keeheen. Meanwhile, the Security Police on the ground deployed a strike force in an Espo assault ship to the tower's lower airlock, aiming to rescue the Viceprex. The prisoners now faced a two-front battle, defending their mid-level position from both above and below. Just as they were preparing to launch an attack to capture Hirken and use him as leverage, Atuarre docked the Millennium Falcon at the tier block level airlock, bringing along a tunnel-tube junction station. They extended one of the tunnel-tubes to the lightly guarded assault craft, and Chewbacca, leading a small strike team, successfully seized control of the vessel. Using both ships and the attached tunnel-tube junction, Han, Chewbacca, Doc, and Atuarre managed to load the prisoners and detach from the descending tower.
Viceprex Hirken was fatally shot in the back by one of his own guards after betraying his officers while begging for safe passage on one of the ships. However, both vessels departed as the tower crashed to its destruction, heading towards the newly established outlaw tech base on Urdur.