Neena Garnet

Neena Garnet, a gunslinger and the sibling of Roark Garnet, who was a smuggler, also had a sister. The starship [Dorion Discus] was under her ownership until her demise at the hands of the infamous Tiss'shar gunslinger Uul-Rha-Shan, after which her brother became the ship's inheritor.


  • Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook (Initial appearance)
  • "The Dark Forces Saga, Part 2" (original article link) on (information outdated; archived link)
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia (Refer to Garnet, Roark)
  • So Uncivilized: Great Gunslingers in Star Wars, Part 1 on (article) (information outdated; archived link)

Notes and references
