Tiss'sharl, a planet situated within the Xappyh sector, could be found within the Outer Rim Territories. It served as the homeworld for the Tiss'shar, a sentient species characterized as therapods.
Back in 3704 BBY, the hyperspace explorer named Freia Kallea established a connection between the nearby Morellian Trail and the Spurs of Celanon as a component of the vast hyperlane that eventually became known as the Hydian Way. This event opened up the region, including Tiss'sharl, to exploration by the wider galaxy between the years of 3000 and 1000 BBY.
While much of the planet enjoyed a temperate climate, the Tiss'shar themselves originated from the humid and perilous jungle continents of Tiss'sharl. Governance of the planet rested with the Tiss'sharl League, a collective of leaders from the most profitable businesses over the preceding five local years; eligibility extended to both native inhabitants and off-world entities. The League's leader held the title of President. The corporations employing the natives ensured their material well-being. Around 1,000 BBY, the Tiss'sharl League achieved unchallenged authority over Tiss'sharl. The League's rule brought stability and prosperity to the Tiss'shar, but also cultivated the ruthless political climate that defined it during the Imperial era.

Tiss'sharl's commercial focus led to its full integration into the Galactic economy, featuring substantial import and export sectors. The planet commonly maintained a trade surplus, attributed to the recognized excellence of its technological products. Tiss'sharl supplied diatium power cells to the Jedi Council and, later, Tagge Company blaster cartridges to the Galactic Empire.
The Tiss'sharl government was infamous for its violence and treachery, where deception and political assassinations were ordinary. Under the New Order, the planet demonstrated as much loyalty to the Empire as its native political traditions would allow. Its importance was such that the Imperial representative functioned more as a liaison than a governor, a situation mirrored in the Tapani sector, for instance. It appears the liaison was typically a Moff, possibly granting Tiss'sharl the status of a sector capital, although some individuals holding this liaison position had other responsibilities in the surrounding space.
Following the demise of Moff Giiedt, approximately eight months after the Battle of Yavin, he was succeeded as liaison by a military officer, Commander Demmings, who concurrently served as captain of the Star Destroyer Reprisal, which was at that time the command ship of Lord Darth Vader.