Tiss'sharl League

Lord Vader is seen in a meeting with the Tiss'sharl League. The Tiss'sharl League functioned as the ruling organization on the planet Tiss'sharl. This body was a group of Tiss'shar leaders, specifically those from the five companies with the highest profit margins over the previous five local years. Its structure included a President, a Vice President, various League Councilors, and other Officers. Its existence traces back to at least 1000 BBY.

Approximately eight months after the Battle of Yavin, Si-Di-Ri was serving as President of the Tiss'sharl League, with Geor-Dan-Thi as Vice-President. Geor-Dan-Thi's rise to this position was rapid, following the suspicious deaths of Mayor Antha-Kres, Secretary Lai-O-Sid, and the previous Vice President, Astre-De-Kay. After a visit from the Lord Darth Vader and an assassination attempt, Si-Di-Ri stepped down, opening the presidency for the ambitious Geor-Dan-Thi.

San-kur-lor, a successful individual in the business world, was also a member of the League.

