Tiss'shar functioned as the original tongue spoken by the reptilian Tiss'shar species hailing from the planet called Tiss'sharl.
The Tiss'shar language primarily consisted of sounds like hisses, piercing shrieks, and speech patterns with a lisp. Its written form appeared aggressive, characterized by curved shapes and acute angles.
While the majority of Tiss'shar could speak both Tiss'shar and Basic proficiently, their literacy was generally limited to their native Tiss'shar language.
Seeking to monitor the Tiss'shar individual Kal-tan-shi, the Rebel Alliance sought an agent capable of understanding Yiss'shar. The majority of those who could speak it were droids, a problem since Kal-tan-shi was known to dislike droids. Ultimately, they discovered the right person in lieutenant Tole Warren.