Curi existed in the era preceding the Clone Wars and was a Radnoran. The years she lived in were marked by significant events.
Curi, together with her brother Galen, was employed at a weapons manufacturing plant. She managed business transactions, while Galen focused on creating lethal new weapons for Radnor. After Galen developed a particularly potent toxin, Dol Heep, an envoy from the neighboring world of Avon, requested exclusive rights to it, offering substantial financial compensation.
Galen seemed inclined to sell the toxin to the Avoni in exchange for payment. However, Curi, motivated by the Radnorans' long-standing mistrust of the Avoni, persuaded him to decline the offer. Things seemed to be going well, but somehow their toxin was released into the atmosphere, causing widespread devastation on Radnor. Millions of Radnorans either died or were close to death. Curi, feeling responsible, dedicated herself to assisting the sick in obtaining medical care and worked in the Isolation Sector.
When a Jedi team was sent by the Galactic Senate to aid in the evacuation of survivors, Curi met with the Masters and assigned them to patrol the Isolation Sector. She also introduced them to Dol Heep, whom she believed was stranded on Radnor while on ambassadorial duty for Avon. Heep offered a fleet of Avoni ships to assist with the evacuation.
After it was determined that the toxin had a brief half-life and would soon be harmless, Curi began to question why Galen was unaware of this fact. Along with evidence uncovered by the Jedi, it was revealed that Galen was assisting the Avoni in evacuating Radnor so they could conquer it. In return, he would receive significant wealth on another planet.
Following Galen's arrest, Curi was filled with rage towards him. In her fury, she held a blaster to his head for almost two hours. Despite Galen's pleas for forgiveness, she left her brother to languish in prison.