D'rinba IV

D'rinba IV, a world, resided within the Sombure sector found in the Mid Rim region.


Following the New Sith Wars, during the era of the Unification Campaigns around 900 BBY, the Galactic Republic's Judicial Forces demonstrated their capabilities in a battle at D'rinba, securing a significant triumph.

During the Galactic Civil War, D'rinba IV served as the location of a substantial Rebel supply depot, which became a target of Darth Vader during the Death Star II's transfer to Endor. Upon discovering Vader's plan, Rebel Alliance operative Corwin Shelvay assembled a team including Kyle Katarn, Shira Brie, Erling Tredway, and potentially two additional agents, with the mission to neutralize the superlaser.

As the Death Star approached D'rinba IV, the Rebels initiated an evacuation while deploying an ion cannon to immobilize the Imperial-class Star Destroyer known as the Colossus. Simultaneously, the Rebel fleet launched an attack on the Death Star as Shelvay's team worked to sabotage the weapon.

The team successfully prevented the superlaser from firing. However, the incorrect data held by the main Rebel Fleet about the weapon's operational state was not updated, nearly causing a disaster during the Battle of Endor.

Behind the scenes

Schematics of D'rinba IV, showing geological formations

In the Interactive Video Board Game, D'rinba's visuals consist of footage of Hoth, Endor, and Alderaan that were reused from the original trilogy.

If players fail to win the Interactive Video Board Game, Darth Vader obliterates D'rinba IV. The canonical resolution of the game's events remains unconfirmed by any source, leaving the planet's fate uncertain.

