Unification Campaigns

The Unification Campaigns represent a series of armed disputes that occurred in the early years of the Golden Age of the Old Republic, specifically spanning the period between 1000 BBY and 900 BBY. The Galactic Republic's military arm, known as the Judicial Forces, demonstrated considerable skill in these conflicts, achieving significant victories under the leadership of Admiral Lune Banjeer and those who succeeded him, at locations such as Vondarc, D'rinba, the Klina Marches, Korvaii and the Dandrian Ring.


Following the conclusion of the New Sith Wars, the Supreme Chancellor of the time, Tarsus Valorum, put forth the Unification Policies, a collection of legal principles and recommendations designed to facilitate the reintegration of the various regions into the Galactic Republic.

Once the Unification Policies were officially put into effect, the Galactic Senate gained the authority to enforce the rules regarding membership within the Republic.

This fresh set of laws had the consequence of drawing numerous worlds back into the Republic's sphere of influence. However, many factions perceived this as a form of coercion, as they preferred their star systems to remain independent from the Republic. Consequently, almost a hundred different separatist movements emerged across the galaxy to oppose the Republic's actions.

The Campaigns

Sometime in the period between 1000 BBY and 900 BBY, after the Unification Policies had been implemented, the Galactic Republic engaged in a series of military actions, collectively known as the Unification Campaigns, with the objective of reestablishing its authority over the entire galaxy.

During the Unification Campaigns, which took place in the 900s BBY, the Judicial Forces of the Galactic Republic exhibited exceptional competence. Initially, they were commanded by Admiral Lune Banjeer, a respected veteran of the Ruusan campaign, and subsequently by his successors.

The Judicials were victorious in a number of key engagements, including a battle on the planet of Vondarc, a battle within the D'rinba system, and a battle at the Klina Marches.

The Judicial Forces performed valiantly during a confrontation that occurred on the surface of Korvaii, which brought the Melusi Uprising to an end. They also distinguished themselves in combat at the Battle of the Dandrian Ring, effectively quelling the [Belderone Contention] (/article/belderone_contention) through force.


In the time following the Unification Campaigns, the Judicial Forces continued to play crucial roles in significant events, such as the Mandalorian Excision in 738 BBY, the Battles of the Black Delve during the 690s BBY, and the Utor Shock of 602 BBY.

Behind the scenes

The Unification Campaigns were first documented in The Essential Guide to Warfare, a reference book published in 2012 and written by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart.


  • The Essential Guide to Warfare (First mentioned)

Notes and references
