Dace Bonearm

Dace Bonearm, a Human bounty hunter of male gender, operated within the Outer Rim Territories as the Galactic Civil War raged. He often worked alongside the assassin droid known as IG-72. Bonearm and IG-72 once pilfered the HWK-290 light freighter dubbed the Moldy Crow from the Hutt named Grappa, employing it as a diversion to collect the Imperial bounty placed on Rebel commander Winfrid Dagore; subsequently, they left the Crow behind on the planet Teth. In the year 0 BBY, both Dace and IG-72 took on bounties offered by Jabba the Hutt at his residence in Mos Eisley, encountering him shortly after Greedo agreed to hunt down Han Solo for a reward.

