Dagrus Rhine

Dagrus Rhine functioned as a dishonest officer within the ranks of the Royal Naboo Security Forces stationed on Naboo. On multiple occasions, Rhine accepted bribes from the regional criminal figure Kritus Morven. Upon discovering that the Royal Security Forces had initiated a search targeting his spice production facilities, Morven dispatched a spacer carrying an approved transfer of credits intended for Rhine, who was to be positioned on the outskirts of Keren. In exchange for the payment, Rhine deliberately impeded the progress of the search operation, thereby affording Morven sufficient time to dismantle and abandon his refinery prior to its exposure.

Rhine's physical appearance was that of a Human male, characterized by brown hair and a fair complexion. His attire consisted of clothing featuring shades of purple and gray.

Behind the scenes

Within the context of Star Wars Galaxies, Dagrus Rhine existed as a non-playable character (NPC) that would appear in a location just outside of Keren during the third quest associated with Kritus Morven. Rhine's appearance was based on the standardized "rsf_security_guard" template rather than a uniquely generated one, leading to a uniform model normally used for Human female NPCs, even though the character was consistently referenced using male pronouns.

