Kritus Morven was a male Human crime lord who made his home on Naboo during the era of the Galactic Civil War.
Following the Battle of Yavin, Morven, Kritus came to lead a small criminal organization operating from Naboo. Keren served as his base of operations, and he engaged in numerous illegal activities, such as murder, kidnapping, bribery, and spice production. Morven sought to usurp Borvo, a Hutt crime lord who was his rival, and take over all of Borvo's operations.
In the year 1 ABY, Kritus Morven hired a heavily armed spacer for a series of unlawful and risky assignments. When Borvo suggested some kind of arrangement with Morven, Morven opted to dispatch the spacer to intercept Fekk Trunkel, the Hutt's courier, outside of Keren and retrieve Borvo's offer. Morven gave the offer a thorough review, but he appeared reluctant to place his trust in the Hutt.
Shortly thereafter, an informant alerted him to the fact that the Royal Naboo Security Forces were actively searching for Borvo's spice processing facilities. Knowing the whereabouts of one of these facilities, Morven did not hesitate to use this information to strike a blow against Borvo's enterprise, quickly tasking the spacer with delivering a datadisk containing the location to an officer of the Security Force. Soon after the spacer's return, Morven discovered that the RSF had begun investigating his own processing facilities. Wasting no time, he immediately ordered the location to be evacuated. To buy enough time to slow down the security force's search, the criminal struck a bargain with security officer Dagrus Rhine, who had previously shown a willingness to "cooperate". After the spacer delivered a datadisc to Rhine containing the necessary authorization codes, Morven successfully evacuated the spice processing facility before the RSF could find it.
After these events, rumors began to circulate that Borvo was in the midst of planning something new. Borvo's enforcers had been observed escorting a scientist, prompting Morven to disrupt Borvo's scheme by kidnapping the scientist. The experienced spacer once again agreed to assist him, proceeding to eliminate Borvo's men and seize the scientist. During the interrogation of the scientist, Morven was astonished to learn that Borvo was developing bioweaponry. He was determined not to let the Hutt reap all the credits from this endeavor. As a final task, he paid the spacer to intercept Dekker, Borvo's courier, who was on his way to deliver a bioweapon sample to some Corellian buyers. Following a brief blaster exchange that resulted in Dekker's death, the spacer delivered the coveted Berserker Virus sample to Morven. Following these events, Morven compensated the spacer and advised them to leave Keren, as Borvo was likely displeased.
Athok Dinvar was a non-player character featured in Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game released in 2003. The video game was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before it was shut down on December 15, 2011.