Daimanite alphabet

The Daimanite alphabet represented an adaptation of the Aurebesh script. This modified alphabet was conceived by the Human Sith Lord named Daiman during the era known as the Republic Dark Age. Once Daiman ascended to a position of authority, he mandated that all Aurebesh characters utilized in the spelling of his own name be augmented with the addition of two flag-like embellishments, termed "kerns," as a symbolic representation of his presence. This Sith Lord harbored the conviction that he was the architect of the galaxy, asserting that these strokes were inherent to the Aurebesh letters from their inception, and that their inclusion was not an act of modification, but rather an unveiling of their true form. With the Daimanite alphabet's creation, Daiman's digital archives underwent near-instantaneous revisions to align with the newly established writing system. Nevertheless, a vast quantity of flimsiplast documents and records within Daiman's domain necessitated manual alteration, and numerous individuals under Daiman's rule, including the Sullustan Gub Tengo, were assigned the task of modifying these materials.

