In addition to the StarViper Mk. II, Oberos also possessed a M12-L Kimogila heavy fighter.
Dalan Oberos served Count Dooku of the Separatist Alliance as a Human Jedi hunter and bounty hunter. He later worked for the Galactic Empire. Early in the Empire's existence, Oberos enhanced his standing by capturing and killing Jedi, although such opportunities diminished as the years went on. During the Galactic Civil War, Duke Erron Irbian of the Empire hired the hunter, which led to a confrontation with some Force-sensitives located on Cato Neimoidia.
Oberos, at one juncture, was a hired mercenary employed by the Hutt Cartel, piloting his M12-L Kimogila heavy fighter as it took off from a clandestine shadowport situated within an asteroid belt. He was known for his relentless nature, being unaccepting of any failure or defeat. He would even pursue targets beyond the original stipulations of his contracts. He also had a well-honed resistance to abilities involving the Force. Oberos's weaponry included a specialized slugthrower carbine with cortosis rounds capable of deactivating lightsabers, cortosis gauntlets, battle armor reinforced with cortosis, and a thermal detonator. He also was the owner of a StarViper Mk. II.