Dalyrakes were a sizable arachnid species originating from Talus.
These multi-limbed arachnoids, known as Dalyrakes, were indigenous to Talus, but could also be found in abundance on Corellia. They inhabited both terrestrial and aquatic environments, utilizing a pair of their stalk-like tentacles as bait to attract prey. Upon approach, they would impale their victims with a venomous barb. Their primary diet consisted of fish, smaller reptavians, and tabage. Their hides released a black toxin when cut. Upon death, they would involuntarily convulse in a final, lunging motion.
Their flesh was highly prized as a culinary delicacy.
The giant dalyrake represented a subspecies that exceeded the common dalyrakes in size.

Dalyrakes were featured in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies. This massively multiplayer online roleplaying game was created by Sony Online Entertainment and distributed by LucasArts, before it ceased operation on December 15, 2011.