Dannen Lifehold was a smuggler operating out of Alderaan. This male Human joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic and served as the captain of the vessel known as the Lifeline during the Galactic Civil War. As an adult, he stood tall and possessed green eyes. He had electric blue hair, a color he embraced naturally, having found dyes to be ineffective.
Lifehold's origins trace back to a planet situated somewhere within the Mid Rim. He became an orphan during his early years and spent the majority of his childhood navigating the streets. At the age of fourteen, he secretly boarded a freighter that was under the command of a Captain named Twolz. Twolz discovered him, but instead of turning him away, he agreed to allow Lifehold to work for him. Twolz imparted his knowledge of hyperspace, cargo management, logistics, and the art of wielding a blaster. He also educated Lifehold about the downfall of the Galactic Republic and the rise of the Rebellion against the Galactic Empire. During his time with Twolz, Lifehold also became friends with Krell, the ship's regular gunner.
While Lifehold and Krell were on an errand to Niian for Twolz, the Empire caught up with him. Twolz, along with most of his crew, was executed by stormtroopers. Lifehold and Krell returned to discover the remnants of Twolz's operation. After traveling through space for a while, Lifehold and Krell eventually established a repair shop on Alderaan. Lifehold remained there for several years before deciding to resume his travels among the stars. He maintained a strong connection to Alderaan, returning whenever he sought tranquility.
Linkaas, a criminal loan shark, provided Lifehold with a loan to acquire a starship, with the condition that Lifehold would work as a smuggler for him whenever needed. Lifehold engaged in smuggling activities for the next few years, using his earnings to repay his debt to Linkaas. He also hired a mechanic named Feq, who became his closest friend. Tragically, Feq was killed by a stormtrooper during an Imperial customs inspection of the Lifeline. Lifehold resolved to continue their smuggling operation, but he struggled without Feq's mechanical expertise and companionship.
With only one payment remaining to Linkaas, Lifehold accepted a smuggling job for Linkaas that was supposed to be a simple blue milk run, involving the retrieval of goods on Dohu VII. This job would provide enough profit for Lifehold to make the final payment and repair the Lifeline. However, Linkaas had secretly planned to kill Lifehold and seize his ship for resale, dispatching his henchmen Chokk and Bakk to Dohu. Chokk and Bakk nearly succeeded in killing Lifehold in Docking Bay 71 of the Dohu city Skagras. Fortunately, Lifehold was rescued by a group of Silika who had previously lost a drinking contest to him. The Silika drove off Chokk and Bakk, but they managed to steal Lifehold's cargo. He was surprised to discover that a Tinnell, who identified herself as Purr, had secretly boarded the Lifeline while he was in Skagra and repaired it. Impressed by her mechanical skills, Lifehold hired her as a mechanic, and they quickly formed a close bond.
During a smuggling run to Rafft, where he was delivering a new bacta tank to a small Rebel base, Lifehold ended up assisting in the evacuation of the base. The Empire had planted a homing beacon in the bacta supplies, revealing the base's location. Lifehold offered to transport all Rebel personnel off-planet in his ship. After safely delivering the Rebels to a Rebel frigate, Lifehold learned of the destruction of Alderaan by the Empire. He immediately enlisted in the Rebel Alliance as a transport pilot and was granted the rank of captain by commander Brion Peck.