
Purr, a female of the Tinnell species, possessed the rare trait of being Force-sensitive. Her mechanical aptitude was exceptional; she was employed by Dannen Lifehold, whom she also deeply valued as her closest companion. While she might have seemed simple-minded, this was more a reflection of her innocence than a lack of intelligence. Her command of Basic was competent, though she struggled to grasp the nuances of irony.

Born on an isolated, forested planet located in the Mid Rim, she retained no memory of its name. An event occurred when the starship named the Bottom Line landed on her homeworld. Her inherent curiosity drove Purr to sneak aboard for exploration. Unbeknownst to her, the ship departed, and the crew discovered her presence, subsequently adopting her as a sort of mascot. She spent much of her time within the vessel's engine room, acquiring skills in repair and learning the Basic language.

The Bottom Line belonged to a crime lord, who assigned Purr to perform trivial tasks. In her free moments, she experimented with the crime lord's collection of swoops. Impressed by her growing proficiency, he promoted her to the position of mechanic. After a period of five years, a rival syndicate launched an assault on her employer's headquarters, resulting in widespread casualties. Purr, however, successfully escaped using a landspeeder. She traveled through space until her eventual meeting with Dannen Lifehold.

Purr's involvement in the Galactic Civil War began when she and Lifehold consented to transport a shipment of bacta to a small Rebel outpost on Rafft, ultimately playing a crucial role in the evacuation of the entire Rebel contingent. Following the Rebels' safe relocation, Lifehold learned of the Galactic Empire's destruction of Alderaan and resolved to join the Rebellion. Purr, loyal to her friend, followed suit and enlisted as well.

