
The Dargon functioned as a prison transport for the Empire, and was a Imperial Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser.


Generally, TIE Avengers and Assault Gunboats were part of its escort detail.

On at least two occasions, Rebel forces launched assaults to free Bothan and Rebel prisoners being held aboard.

Behind the scenes

Within the Star Wars: TIE Fighter video game, the player, taking on the role of Maarek Stele, thwarts attempts to disable the Dargon, thereby guaranteeing the prisoners' delivery to Lord Vader for interrogation. The Rebel forces initially deployed three waves of starfighters, followed by two CR90 corvettes known as Keeper and an Assassin-class corvette named Hut'to. In a separate mission concerning the Dargon, its engines experienced a shutdown, possibly due to sabotage. Subsequently, the Rebels mounted another assault, this time utilizing a Nebulon-B2 frigate referred to as Bay Point, accompanied by Y-wings and A-wings.

In Star Wars: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, the Rebels attempt to cripple the Dargon using starfighters and the MC80 cruiser, the Columbia. The ultimate outcome of the events surrounding the Dargon is determined by the player's chosen allegiance.

