Dark grove

The dark grove located on the edge of Gungan ruins on Naboo, stood as a Force nexus twisted by the influence of the dark side of the Force. Compared to the adjacent swamp, this region exuded a palpable chill and gloom. Dominating the grove's heart was a mutated tangler tree, which aggressively defended itself by flailing thorn-laden vines or launching thorns at any intruding life forms.

In 32 BBY, Savor Kibbs, a Dark Side Adept, established a base close to the grove, drawing strength from its dark energies. He exploited the grove's power to ensnare Naboo and Gungan refugees, compelling them to join his cause. Furthermore, he employed the nexus to manifest a Force illusion of Darth Maul, which he then unleashed upon former members of the Naboo Underground.

Behind the scenes

Within the Star Wars: Invasion of Theed Adventure Game, the narrative provides Jedi Padawan Rann I-Kanu with a chance to sense the pervasive dark side energy within the grove. The game's text implies that, while players lack the means to eliminate the nexus at that time, game masters could potentially develop a future storyline centered around guiding members of the Jedi Council to the corrupted site.

