The darkstick served as a unique weapon exclusively used by the Kerestian people. Its distinctive, curved shape, designed to enhance its slicing capabilities, made it a crucial tool for the struggling Kerestians as they hunted for sustenance along the harsh equator of their home planet.
Despite being developed by a spacefaring civilization, the darkstick was surprisingly rudimentary in its construction and design. Weaponsmiths individually crafted these weapons using lightweight metal, although evidence suggests that certain extinct hardwoods were previously utilized. Due to this individualized creation process, darksticks exhibited considerable variation in size. Some were small, fifteen-centimeter blades that could be easily hidden, while others were large, two-handed weapons primarily intended for blunt force and chopping. However, the most common design was approximately twenty centimeters in length, fitting comfortably within the large knuckles of a Kerestian. Light absorbing cells were also incorporated into the darkstick's design.

The primary method of attack involved slashing, as the darksticks were designed to fit into Kerestian hands like natural extensions, akin to claws. Hunters would often wield multiple darksticks in each hand, transforming themselves into formidable and relentless combatants. The darkstick's curved shape also allowed for the possibility of throwing the weapon. This technique was exceptionally challenging and attempted only by the most skilled hunters. However, a master of this skill could launch powerful attacks from up to twenty meters away. Even more difficult to master was the ability to throw the darkstick in a manner that allowed it to return to the user's hand. Kerestian weaponsmiths recognized the significant tactical advantage of this skill and experimented with metallic systems designed to automatically recall a thrown darkstick. Furthermore, darksticks could be modified to explode, and the hollow tip of the blade was frequently coated with poison.
Kerestian myths deeply influenced both the use and design of the darkstick. According to their legends, upon death, souls were condemned to wander in the Great Darkness for eternity. Kerestians did not fear this fate; in fact, they embraced it by imbuing darksticks with symbolic meaning. These weapons were silent and lethal, often painted black to constantly remind the user of their ultimate destiny. Leveraging modern technological advancements, weaponsmiths enhanced this dark imagery by embedding networks of light-absorbing cells into darksticks. When activated, a veil of darkness would envelop the weapon, its wielder, and any unfortunate individuals nearby facing a Kerestian warrior. While the victim would be blinded, the warrior, equipped with infrared goggles, maintained peak combat effectiveness.
Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens — Enemies and Allies initially described the darkstick's blade as a beam of "black light," drawing a comparison to a lightsaber. Ultimate Alien Anthology reiterates this characterization of the darkstick as an energy weapon. This article's portrayal of the darkstick as a solid blade is based on the more recent descriptions found in The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology and Galaxy at War.