Darth Bane's holocron

Darth Bane, a Sith Lord, crafted a Sith holocron that bore his name. Emperor Palpatine believed this holocron to be the only authentic one used by the Sith who followed Bane's Rule of Two.


On three separate occasions, Darth Bane endeavored to construct a holocron. His initial attempt involved relentless work, yet the matrix imploded. He exercised greater caution and thoroughness in his second attempt, but the matrix still deteriorated beyond repair. For his third attempt, he relied on the Force to guide him, trusting it to shape the matrix correctly. Despite weeks of effort, the results mirrored his previous attempt. Following this failure, his apprentice, Darth Zannah, suggested that the orbalisk infestation was the cause of his repeated failures. After contemplation, Darth Bane dispatched his loyal apprentice to the Jedi Temple, disguised as the apprentice of an off-world Jedi. Her mission was to seek information on parasites similar to those discovered on her master's homeworld. While Zannah searched, Bane journeyed to Tython to find Belia Darzu's holocron. Studying the knowledge within, Bane realized his error lay not with the orbalisks, but in failing to connect the holocron's matrix to the capstone.

Even after removing the orbalisks from his body, Darth Bane's holocron's gatekeeper remained adorned in the crustacean armor. This was done to make his appearance more visually impressive and intimidating. Bane intended this as a message to future Sith using his holocron: the dark side's power demanded sacrifices. He also considered it beneficial should his holocron fall into Jedi hands while he lived, as the mask that kept the orbalisks off his face and head would conceal his identity.

Darth Bane's projection from his Sith holocron.

By the year 137 ABY, the holocron, along with Darth Nihilus' holocron and the holocron of heresies of Darth Andeddu, came into the possession of Darth Krayt. However, the holocron's gatekeeper refused to assist him because he had abolished the Rule of Two, an act it believed would lead to the Sith's downfall.

