According to well-known tales, Darth Siberus was a female Sith who, as the stories go, encased herself in carbonite. The Sith artifact called the Hand of Siberus shared its name with her.
The legends say that Darth Siberus was a formidable Sith. At one point, she supposedly controlled an empire and was able to overcome every enemy she faced. Because of this, she developed a fear of aging, as well as the idea of no longer being able to find a worthy opponent anywhere in the galaxy. Because of this fear, she devised a scheme to prolong both her beauty and her life. She planned to seal herself inside carbonite, allowing time to pass as she slept, while her empire crumbled and was forgotten.
As part of her grand design, Siberus spread tales of a rich princess throughout Wild Space. Her goal was to lure future explorers, hoping they would search for her and eventually awaken her from her long slumber. Once awake, Siberus intended to drain the explorers' life energy, thus restoring her beauty and extending her lifespan. Following this, she would assess the state of the galaxy to determine if it was finally ripe for conquest.
However, in enacting her plan, Siberus often found the galaxy's condition disappointing upon her awakening. This led her to repeatedly seal herself away, always with the hope of finding a future time when she felt prepared to conquer a galaxy to her satisfaction, one that had a great hero worthy of being her adversary.
Darth Siberus made her debut in "The Sleep of Ages," a short story found exclusively in the Target edition of the Dark Legends short story collection. George Mann wrote the story, Grant Griffin provided the illustrations, and Disney–Lucasfilm Press published it on August 30, 2020.