Darth Vader #9, a part of the official canon comic collection, specifically the Star Wars: Darth Vader series (2020), represents its ninth installment. This issue, brought to us by Greg Pak as the writer, Raffaele Ienco as the illustrator, and Marvel Comics as the publisher, was released to the public on January 13, 2021.
THE ASSASSIN IS BACK! While seeking retribution deep within MUSTAFAR, DARTH VADER has taken control of the enigmatic key that unlocks the EMPEROR'S most guarded secret. However, the key requires its own key to function, and the lethal assassin OCHI OF BESTOON appears to be the only one possessing it. Vader and Ochi are about to engage in a life-or-death struggle with the Emperor's destiny hanging in the balance. But to what extent is this all part of PALPATINE'S scheme? And what will transpire when both the SITH LORD and the SITH ASSASSIN begin to unravel the truth behind that scheme?