Dbari system

The Dbari system, a star system located in the Mid Rim, was the original world of the Dbarian species. By the era of the Separatist Crisis, this system was linked to three other star systems via the Malarian Alliance. This alliance formed a portion of a broader network comprising forty systems, interconnected through various alliances and agreements, all revolving around the relatively insignificant planet of Ansion.

In 22 BBY, as members of the Malarian Alliance contemplated secession from the Galactic Republic, the Confederacy of the Independent Systems aimed to encourage the secession of the entire network of systems associated with Ansion. However, a Jedi mission to Ansion successfully prevented the Separatist scheme, ensuring that the planet and its allied systems remained loyal to the Republic.


The Dbari system could be found within the Churnis sector, situated in the Mid Rim region.


The Confederacy of Independent Systems intended to use the connections of the planet Ansion to the Dbari system and others for political gain.

By the year 22 BBY, the Dbari system held membership in both the Galactic Republic and the Malarian Alliance. The latter connected it in a network of reciprocal affiliations with three additional systems: the Mamendin system from the Core Worlds, alongside Ansion and the Malari systems of the Mid Rim. Further, Dbari, its allied systems, and the Keitumite Mutual Military Treaty—which also maintained ties with the planet Ansion—each had their own treaties with other worlds. This resulted in the seemingly unimportant Ansion being at the heart of a network of roughly forty politically interconnected star systems. During the Separatist Crisis, the systems that were signatories of the Malarian Alliance and the Keitumite Mutual Military Treaty were independently contemplating a departure from the Republic.

The Confederacy of Independent Systems planned to facilitate Ansion's secession from the Republic, expecting this would trigger a chain reaction of secession among all systems linked to the planet through its treaties. Presidente Shu Mai of the Commerce Guild detailed this Separatist strategy to Tam Uliss, a Corellian industrialist, and his Twi'lek companion, during a meeting with Senator Mousul of Ansion. This discussion took place in a private room on Coruscant, a planet in the Core Worlds that served as the capital of the Republic, in 22 BBY. Mai also highlighted the member systems of the Malarian Alliance, Dbari included, within a holographic representation of the galaxy for the group.

However, a mission to Ansion carried out by members of the Jedi Order on behalf of the Republic, prevented this outcome. Consequently, Ansion and its allies remained loyal to the galactic government, thwarting the Separatist objectives. Following the establishment of the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY, the newly appointed Imperial Moff of the Churnis sector declared all existing treaties and alliances involving Ansion to be invalid.


The Dbari system was the native habitat of the sentient Dbarian species.

Behind the scenes

The Approaching Storm, a novel written by Alan Dean Foster in 2002, presented a holographic image displaying several unnamed star systems connected to Ansion through the Malarian Alliance. Later, in 2009, The Essential Atlas, a reference book by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry, officially identified one of these systems as the Dbari system, assigning it the grid square I-6.

