Delaya-class courier

The Delaya-class courier, a military starship of the Galactic Republic, came into existence around the year 4000 BBY. Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc., under the ownership of the Duros at the time, engineered and constructed this vessel.


SunGem schematics.

The Delaya-class courier was built to have the same speed and handling as a starfighter. In contrast to the Coruscant-class Heavy Courier from Corellia StarDrive, a large portion of this ship was designed for living quarters. Thanks to its sophisticated automated systems, it could be flown by just one pilot.

This streamlined starship, resembling an insect, was equipped with 21 HKD ion engines. These engines, arranged in groups of three on servo-controlled fixtures, eliminated the necessity for maneuvering thrusters. The courier's armament was light, consisting of a pair of rotating laser cannons and a single proton torpedo launcher. For enhanced maneuverability, a computer regulated several layers of retractable vanes and aerofoils, ensuring an efficient aerodynamic form when flying through atmospheres.

