The Delephrans were a group defined by shared culture and society. Their origins trace back to the Delephr system, situated within the Carrion sector of the Outer Rim Territories'. This group supported the Delephran militia and were involved in commercial shipping, which was frequently targeted by pirates operating from the Vexta Belt in the Vexta system for a number of years. Eventually, before or during 1 BBY, the Delephran militia hired Andrephan Stormcaller, a distinguished soldier from the Galactic Republic, to provide training to their commanders. This led to Stormcaller leading the Piracy Scouring operation, aimed at eliminating the pirates in the Vexta Belt.
Following the establishment of the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY, the Imperial Military integrated the Delephran forces. All Delephran personnel were obligated to serve in the Imperial Military, and Stormcaller began service at the Imperial Academy. Between 4 ABY and 12 ABY, the Delephr system was within the territory of the Pentastar Alignment, an Imperial splinter faction. Later, from 18 ABY to 35 ABY, it became part of the Imperial Remnant.
The Delephrans were first presented in "Blasters for Hire," a source article for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, penned by Anthony P. Russo. It was published in the August 1994 third issue of the Star Wars Adventure Journal magazine by West End Games.
- " Blasters for Hire " — Star Wars Adventure Journal 3 (First mentioned)
- Star Wars Encyclopedia
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia , Vol. III ("Vexta belt")