Delta-class shuttle

The Delta-class shuttle represents a shuttle design employed by the Galactic Empire during the era of the Galactic Civil War.


This particular shuttle, the Delta-class, was characterized by short, stubby wings located towards the rear of its main body. It was equipped with a trio of engines. The primary engine was positioned atop the hull, while the remaining two engines, responsible for vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) capabilities, were situated at the bottom, in proximity to both the cockpit and the wings.

The shuttle's operational requirements dictated a minimum crew of two individuals, although a single pilot could manage its functions. The Delta-class possessed the capacity to transport a minimum of eight passengers, frequently stormtroopers. A door at the rear of the vessel facilitated the exit of both crew and passengers.


An example of this shuttle was used by an Imperial team in their search for the Rebel operative Yom Argo, who had crash-landed on the Mid Rim planet named Lahsbane. Subsequently, the Zeltron named Dani commandeered the shuttle, absconding with a significant quantity of Huhk treasure originating from the Forbidden City.

Another of these shuttle designs participated within an Imperial supply convoy that encountered a minor conflict in the vicinity of Kaellin III, ultimately resulting in a forced landing on the planet's surface. The deployed stormtrooper force engaged in combat against the local inhabitants before being rescued by forces of the Rebel Alliance.

By the year 23 ABY, these shuttle models were considered antiquated, prompting the New Republic to commence the decommissioning of several former Imperial Delta-class shuttles on Coruscant. Han Solo managed to procure a malfunctioning hyperdrives from one of these shuttles, which he then gifted to his daughter Jaina at the Jedi Praxeum situated on Yavin 4. Following Jaina's restoration of its functionality, the hyperdrive was used by the stranded Imperial pilot Qorl to flee the planet in his TIE/LN starfighter.

