Denarii Nova

The designation Denarii Nova referred to a pair of stellar bodies within the Denarii system, and subsequently, the Denarii Nebula. These were situated in the Gordian Reach sector of the Trans-Hydian region, a part of the expansive Outer Rim Territories. It was a considerable distance from the Black Hole of Quintas.

The lesser of the two stars composing Denarii Nova siphoned off gaseous matter from its larger companion.


The explosion created by Naga Sadow

Near the conclusion of the Great Hyperspace War around 5000 BBY, Naga Sadow, the Dark Lord of the Sith, piloted his damaged flagship, named the Corsair, in between the binary stars of Denarii Nova. He did this to evade the pursuing forces of the Galactic Republic. The Sith sorcerer then employed his abilities to control the solar flares emanating from Denarii Nova, triggering an explosion that annihilated the Republic vessels giving chase.

This devastating occurrence led to the complete obliteration of the Denarii system, giving rise to a nebula composed of intensely ionized gases, which became known as the Denarii Nebula.

In the year 4 ABY, a mere eight months following the demise of Emperor Palpatine during the Battle of Endor, the fanatical Grand Admiral Ishin-Il-Raz took his own life. He did this by intentionally crashing his Star Destroyer, the Emperor's Disciple, directly into the raging firestorm that was Denarii Nova, resulting in the deaths of both himself and his entire crew.

During the Second Imperium crisis of 23 ABY, subsequent to a raid targeting Coruscant, the Shadow Academy space station sought refuge near the collapsing stars of Denarii Nova, within the confines of the Denarii Nebula.

