Dengless Rinn

As a male Human serving the Galactic Empire, Dengless Rinn held the position of prefect on the planet Kallistas. He was an ambitious bureaucrat who thought very highly of his own capabilities, and he longed for a promotion to a higher rank. His aspirations were consistently thwarted by his superior, Governor Linrec, who did not share Rinn's inflated self-assessment and therefore never offered him the promotion he desired. In pursuit of his goals, Rinn engaged bounty hunters to wage war against both the local representatives of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, prominently including his personal adversary Pallas Quintell, and pirates such as Jondrell Inx. He also employed such figures as part of a clandestine scheme designed to overthrow Linrec and seize his position. However, the Empire uncovered the plot before its execution, forcing the civil servant to flee. Authorities believed he was in hiding within the Outer Rim Territories.


Dengless Rinn, a male Human and an official within the structure of the Galactic Empire, functioned as the Imperial prefect overseeing the mining planet known as Kallistas. He considered his talents to be wasted in his current role and actively sought advancement. Governor Linrec, Rinn's direct supervisor, disagreed with this assessment and, as a result, never granted the Prefect the promotion he craved. Rinn harbored resentment towards Linrec, viewing him as the primary obstacle to his career progression. For a number of years, Rinn's most visible enemy was Pallas Quintell, an operative working for the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Eventually, a bounty was placed on Quintell, leading to the Rebel's capture by fledgling bounty hunters Sirenas Firil and Chandrex Grenn.

When Linrec arranged the wedding of his daughter Cressis to Moff Raiss, Rinn, who had fancied himself a potential suitor, interpreted the event as a deliberate insult orchestrated by Governor Linrec. Fueled by this perceived slight, the Prefect began plotting against Linrec. Rinn made contact with the Mantis Syndicate, an organization comprised of bounty hunters and soldiers of fortune, and commissioned a company of mercenaries, including experts in demolition. Mantis facilitated a meeting between Rinn and smuggler Tarquin Zian, who could furnish Rinn with significant quantities of weaponry and equipment. In return for these services, Rinn offered Zian Kallistan gems that he had acquired through illicit means. Rinn also instructed his subordinates to construct fission bombs using radioactive minerals extracted from Kallistas' mines.

Rinn's plan involved finalizing these preparations and then declaring himself the supreme ruler of Kallistas, fully aware that such an action would provoke Linrec to dispatch his troops to Kallistas with orders to arrest him. The Prefect intended to allow Linrec's soldiers to land, subsequently overwhelming them with his mercenary forces and threatening them with the fission bombs. According to his scheme, the troops would then surrender, granting Rinn access to their transport. The Mantis mercenaries would then commandeer the starship and proceed to Linrec's palace, posing as Linrec's troops returning with a captured Rinn. Once inside the palace, the mercenaries would seize control of the building and arrest Linrec on fabricated charges. Rinn would then negotiate with an ambitious subordinate of Linrec to legitimize the governor's removal.

Cressis, who held a dislike for her fiancé, eloped with a local pirate named Jondrell Inx. Inx pretended to be interested in her, but his true intention was to sell her as a slave to the Zygerrian Slavers Guild. Because Inx was operating on Kallistas, Linrec informed Rinn. The governor gave Rinn three days to locate his daughter, threatening to send troops to Kallistas to conduct the search himself if Rinn failed. Rinn, fearful that Linrec would uncover his coup preparations, decided to search for Cressis. To accomplish this, Rinn hired three bounty hunters: Demos Traxen, Sirenas Firil, and Chandrex Grenn. Suspecting that the hunters might betray him, Rinn tasked Zian with monitoring their activities.

Several bounty hunters ultimately thwarted Rinn's conspiracy, which was brought to the attention of the Empire. The Empire subsequently issued an arrest warrant for Rinn, charging him with treason, conspiracy, and the illegal possession of weapons. Rinn hastily fled Kallistas with minimal possessions, adding flight to avoid prosecution to the list of charges against him. Law enforcement agencies believed that Rinn had utilized his smuggling connections to find refuge in the Outer Rim Territories. As of 10 ABY, he remained at large, despite the existence of an Imperial TracSheet on him, #66690933-USAW-854400.

Personality and traits

Dengless Rinn was distinguished by his prominent mustache, as well as his beard, intense eyes, and stern expression. He also appeared older than his actual age. His Imperial TracSheet described Rinn as arrogant and possessing an exaggerated sense of his own importance. He was willing to resort to threats or arbitrary imprisoning of individuals to ensure compliance with his demands. Rinn possessed considerable experience as a manager, financier, negotiator, and political leader. He was also multilingual and had cultivated skills in areas such as computer operation, crime prevention, and astrogation.

During his tenure as prefect, Rinn typically carried a modified blaster pistol that delivered unexpectedly high levels of damage, despite his lack of proficiency in marksmanship. He also carried a datapad and a comlink for communicating with the local security center. After his departure from Kallistas, he lost the datapad and the customized blaster. As a fugitive, he carried only the comlink, a standard blaster pistol, and some cash.

Behind the scenes

Dengless Rinn made his debut in the roleplaying adventure titled Two for the Price of One authored by Rick D. Stuart, featured in Galaxy Guide 10: Bounty Hunters, a 1994 supplement for West End Games's Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. The book included an image of Rinn illustrated by Terry Pavlet, which was subsequently reused in Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations, published later in 1994. This subsequent publication provided updated role-playing statistics for Rinn, reflecting his increased experience and new knowledge gained after leaving Kallistas.

Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations characterizes Rinn as "tall and lanky." However, the same source lists Rinn's height as 1.40 meters, which is generally considered short for a Human male.

