Derran Takkar

Derran Takkar, a Human male who held the rank of Moff within the Imperial forces, received his appointment from Emperor Palpatine in the time leading up to the Battle of Endor. During the Empire's extended period of decline, he was unable to maintain authority over his designated sector.

He masterminded a scheme involving a collection of former Imperial loyalists with the goal of disrupting the wedding between Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade, previously known as the Emperor's Hand.


Derran Takkar was a Moff within the Galactic Empire, a Human male. Subsequent to the signing of the Pellaeon–Gavrisom Treaty, Takkar found himself as a refugee, residing on the planet of Dolis 3 alongside his wife, Anlys, and a small contingent of followers. Fueled by both personal and political frustration with the state of affairs, he infiltrated the palace disguised in an Ithorian uniform, utilizing the tunnels to gain access. He threatened to unleash a virus into the New Republic computer network by means of a dead man's switch. However, Skywalker's intervention and persuasion led him to reconsider his actions.

Takkar at the wedding of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade.

After regaining his composure, Takkar questioned why Skywalker had opted to reason with him instead of simply using the Force to maintain control of the switch while subduing him. Intrigued by Skywalker's approach, Takkar accepted the invitation to the wedding and chose to defect to the New Republic. It was revealed that the virus he had threatened to deploy would have been ineffective due to pre-existing security measures that had been in place for several years to counter such threats.

