Dharus' second observer

This individual held the position of the second Alliance observer dispatched to the privateer vessel, the Dharus.

In situations where a pirate entered into a mutually advantageous arrangement with the Alliance to Restore the Republic, they were granted a Letter of marque and reprisal outlining the agreement's specifics. Furthermore, an Alliance observer was assigned to the pirate, acting as the primary point of contact between the pirate and the Alliance directly from the pirate's command ship. The observer also had the duty of ensuring the pirate adhered to the letter's conditions. However, since the observer was not a member of the pirate's crew, they lacked actual command over the pirate.

This individual took the place of Dharus' first observer, who had previously requested a different assignment from the Alliance High Command. Subsequently, Dharus and his crew mistreated the second observer. Following this, the observer requested a transfer, leading to their replacement by Dharus' third observer.


  • Pirates & Privateers (First mentioned)
