During the era of the Galactic Civil War, the Alliance to Restore the Republic sometimes placed a representative, known as an Alliance observer, on board ships belonging to Rebel privateers.
Those privateers sanctioned by the Alliance High Command were given a letter of marque and reprisal which detailed the agreement's conditions. These conditions specified the Alliance's portion of the profits, as well as prohibited activities like slavery. Because the Alliance didn't completely trust these independent operators, they began assigning an observer after the initial trials to ensure adherence to the terms. This observer also acted as a liaison between the privateer and the Alliance, often providing advice that was not welcomed.
To prevent discontent among the privateers, the observer was never given command authority on the privateer's vessel. Nevertheless, the pirate crews generally disliked the observers, and the feeling was mutual. For example, Dharus, a Rebel privateer, had four observers in a row, all of whom requested reassignment.
Observers were typically seasoned officers from the Alliance, or, less frequently, bureaucrats, Free Agents, or Supply Agents. Observers with experience in Alliance Intelligence were often "23ers," individuals who had survived twenty field assignments with only a twenty-three percent survival rate, leading to mandatory retirement.
Cet Willak, holding the rank of major within Alliance Special Operations, served as the observer on the Far Orbit.