Rebel privateer

Novahawk The Novahawk stands as an emblem of the Rebel Alliance's privateering efforts. During the Galactic Civil War, the Rebel Alliance engaged privateers to target Imperial shipping. These Rebel privateers were essentially contractors, not official members of the Rebellion, but they were sympathetic to the Alliance's cause.

Letters Granting Authority

A letter of marque and reprisal served as the contract for Rebel privateers, outlining their operational terms. These letters were authorized by figures such as the Chief, Chief of Staff, Fleet Commander, Ordnance and Supply Commander, or Sector Commanders-in-Chief. However, the Sector Commanders' authorizations were only valid within their respective sectors. Mon Mothma's workload and Ackbar's aversion to piracy led to Sector Commanders and secretaries issuing most letters, with Ral'Rai Muvunc, the Ordnance and Supply Commander, also known to grant them. An example is Chaeloe Dantin's letter of marque, which was issued by Muvunc.

Responsibilities, Rights, and Commissions

Rebel privateers were tasked with attacking Imperial freighters, bases of supply, factories, and associated corporate assets. Typically, they were required to remit 50% of their acquired supplies and profits to the Rebel Alliance, retaining the remaining 50% for their own use, which often involved selling it back to the Alliance. Captured slaves were to be freed, and illegal substances were to be handed over for destruction. Imperial captives were to be turned over to the Alliance for purposes like interrogation. Prize money was usually offered as a reward for captured Imperial personnel. The Novahawk became the symbol of this type of Rebel privateering.

Privateers were expected to minimize violence during cargo seizures and were forbidden from attacking Rebel or neutral vessels or taking civilian hostages. Violations of these terms would make the privateer a legitimate target for Rebel forces. Rebel observers were often placed aboard privateer vessels to ensure compliance.

Similar to Rebel mercenaries, Rebel privateers enjoyed certain advantages. They had access to Rebel safe havens, repair facilities, provisions, and intelligence. Furthermore, former criminals were typically granted amnesty and pardons if they pledged to refrain from future criminal activity.

The Rebel Alliance's Reliance on Privateers

Initially, the Rebel Alliance hesitated to employ privateers and other mercenaries who lacked the ideological commitment of the Rebellion's core members. However, sector commanders eventually began hiring privateers to supplement the inadequate supply lines from High Command. Mon Mothma then initiated a trial period for officially issuing letters of marque. Following the trial's success, the Rebellion established protocols and began utilizing privateers on a regular basis.

While the Rebels found privateers to be a valuable asset, they also harbored distrust towards the captains due to their mercenary nature. As a result, the Rebels treated privateers with a degree of detachment, similar to an employer-employee relationship.

The Diverse Nature of Rebel Privateers

A crew of Rebel privateers.

Rebel privateers represented a diverse and often undisciplined group of individuals from various backgrounds. Their crews frequently included former bounty hunters, scouts, and criminals, but the Rebels generally prohibited notoriously brutal criminals and cold-blooded murderers from joining their ranks.

Many privateer crews also included skilled technicians who, in addition to ship maintenance, participated in boarding actions to infiltrate computer and security systems and dismantle vessels for valuable components. Rebel privateer crews often included numerous other specialists alongside technicians.

Many Rebel privateers were reformed pirates and criminals seeking a path to redemption or a secure retirement free from the threat of prosecution.

Alliance Observers

Due to the Rebels' inherent distrust of privateers, Alliance observers were frequently assigned to privateer ships. These observers were Rebel officers tasked with monitoring the crew's activities. They were often detached naval officers or mission group agents, but could also be bureaucrats, supply agents, or independent operatives.

Targets of Opportunity

Rebel privateers were authorized to seize and raid assets belonging to the following entities:

Common Ship Types

While not officially part of the Rebellion or any other formal organization, Rebel privateers tended to favor certain types of vessels, primarily due to the demands of their operations.

The Z-95 Headhunter was a popular starfighter, also favored by pirates, while the Gauntlet starfighter was also frequently observed. Uglies and X-wing starfighters were also commonly used. Light, medium, and bulk freighters, as well as light frigates, were also utilized by Rebel privateers. Those specializing in raiding container ships and star galleons often employed modified CR90 corvettes, which were also prevalent within the Rebellion itself. Large frigates and cruisers were exceptionally rare among Rebel privateers, as were blastboats and gunships. One Rebel privateer group operated from the EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate Free Lance, commanded by Urias Xhaxin, while another Nebulon frigate, the Far Orbit, was used by privateers under the leadership of Dhas Fenoep Vedij.

