Urias Xhaxin, a Human male, served the Alliance to Restore the Republic as both a pirate and privateer during the Galactic Civil War. He primarily operated within the Mid Rim, notably the Ado sector. His success as a privateer resulted in his inclusion on the Empire's Most Wanted list, with a bounty of 250,000 credits placed for his capture.
Notably, Xhaxin was among the very first individuals to engage the Yuuzhan Vong in combat and live to tell the tale.
The Alliance possessed limited information regarding Xhaxin's past; however, Alliance Intelligence labeled him a "penitent obsessive," suggesting an inability to forgive himself for previous misdeeds. At some point in his life, his left hand was replaced by a cybernetic replacement, which cleverly concealed a powerful heavy blaster.
Prior to the Battle of Endor, he obtained his personal starship, the heavily modified Nebulon-B escort frigate known as the Free Lance, from a Hutt arms dealer. The core members of his frequently changing crew included Khwir, his First Mate; Cotetchtle, the Quartermaster; Rabby Mortunk, the Engineer; Kandar, who served as both Pilot and Astrogator; Gunnery Sergeant Mirip Pag; and Surgeon Anet Karl.
While engaged in privateer operations for the Alliance, Xhaxin successfully acquired thousands of tons of Imperial supplies and several combat-ready starships, earning him no fewer than three letters of marque and reprisal in recognition of his service. During the period of his third letter of marque, his designated Alliance observer was Special Agent Hast.

At one point during his career, a holojournalist arrived with the intention of documenting Xhaxin's activities. According to the pirate captain himself, the reality of a privateer's life proved disappointing to her, leading her to fabricate a romanticized narrative for public consumption. Xhaxin dismissed the resulting holodrama as "purest fiction."
Following the Battle of Endor, the New Republic ceased authorizing Xhaxin's privateering activities. However, they tacitly tolerated his piracy as they continued to fight against various warlord heirs of the Empire. Even after the signing of the Pellaeon–Gavrisom Treaty, Xhaxin persisted in raiding Imperial forces, focusing his efforts on hardline Imperials attempting to relocate to Imperial Space. By six years after the treaty, such opportunities were dwindling.
In 25 ABY, Xhaxin devised a plan intended to generate sufficient money for him and his crew to retire comfortably. He intentionally allowed a few Imperial ships to escape capture while traveling together, and then established a service that purported to organize convoys to the Imperial Remnant through deep space. Unreconstructed Imperials, eager to reach Bastion, paid handsomely to join these convoys, but Xhaxin planned to raid the entire convoy just before it entered Imperial Space.
Instead of a financial windfall, what awaited the pirate captain was a Yuuzhan Vong warship. The Free Lance sustained near-fatal damage in the initial moments of the engagement. To prevent the loss of his crew, Xhaxin initiated a blind hyperspace jump, followed by a second equally risky jump that crippled the hyperdrive motivators and further exacerbated the ship's structural damage. The Free Lance eventually emerged in a system used as a navigational marker between Bastion and the Corporate Sector, where it was discovered by Rogue Squadron. Xhaxin surrendered to New Republic Admiral Traest Kre'fey, who promptly placed the aging pirate in guest quarters and commenced debriefing him for information regarding the Yuuzhan Vong.
Xhaxin maintained a meticulously groomed appearance, keeping his hair and beard neatly trimmed, and consistently wore clothing in shades of white, black, or gray clothing. His personal affectations included a corusca gem and a mythra cloak brooch equipped with an integrated comlink, as well as a gray bantha-hide glove worn over his prosthetic left hand, which earned him the moniker "Grayclaw."
Classified as a penitent obsessive by the Alliance, Xhaxin's obsessive nature manifested in his precision, control, and effectiveness as a privateer. While his aggressive tactics pushed his ship and crew to their performance limits, he always maintained a reasonable safety margin, employing straightforward strategies to capture his targets. He enforced strict discipline aboard his ship, adhering to a rigid code of conduct summarized in his "Dozen Rules." He demonstrated unwavering loyalty to his crew, willingly taking extreme risks, such as the blind hyperspace jump, to improve their odds of survival against overwhelming odds.
Xhaxin was a shrewd pirate, capable of executing elaborate long-term schemes, such as creating the illusion of safety for a convoy to lure unsuspecting Imperials into a convoy service where they would pay to become his prey. He was also a skilled tactician, able to recognize when he was outmatched and to accurately assess the necessary actions to ensure his survival.