A short skirmish took place in the Outer Rim region in a star system during the year 25 ABY. Following reports of strange alien starfighters, the Bothan Assault Cruiser Ralroost entered the system and sent Rogue Squadron, flying T-65A3 X-wing starfighters, to scout the system's asteroid belt. The Rogues came across the forces of privateer Urias Xhaxin, whose ugly fighters had significantly weakened shields, hulls, and lasers. Colonel Gavin Darklighter of Rogue Squadron persuaded Xhaxin to surrender after a brief exchange of fire, a proposition the privateer gladly accepted. On the Ralroost, Admiral Traest Kre'fey learned that Xhaxin had previously battled the mysterious ships, identified as coralskippers, and extracted information from him. Subsequently, the Rogues journeyed to the location in deep space where Xhaxin's prior engagement had occurred.