
The vessel known as the Ralroost served as a Bothan Assault Cruiser, entering service near the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War. Its primary purpose was to safeguard Bothawui.


Following the signing of the Bastion Accords in 19 ABY, which brought an end to the prolonged Galactic Civil War fought between the New Republic and the Galactic Empire, the Bothans initiated the construction of Bothan Assault Cruisers. Despite some controversy surrounding the construction of these warships during peacetime, they were eventually integrated into the New Republic Defense Force. The Ralroost was placed under the command of Admiral Traest Kre'fey, a Bothan serving in the New Republic First Fleet. Kre'fey personally selected his crew, with a significant portion being members of his own species. By 25 ABY, Kre'fey's command was deployed within the Outer Rim Territories. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, it functioned as the personal flagship of Admiral Traest Kre'fey. Rogue Squadron was transported by the ship in the early stages of the Yuuzhan Vong War, as they searched the Outer Rim for the Yuuzhan Vong. Lieutenant Arr'yka served as its communications officer, while Commander Grai'tvo was responsible for its shields.

The Ralroost initially clashed with substantial Yuuzhan Vong forces during the Battle of Ithor, an engagement that saw the destruction of the planet despite the fleet's valiant efforts. The vessel also took part in the Battle of Coruscant, operating as the flagship of Fleet Group One. Following the fleet's dispersal, the Ralroost relocated to Kashyyyk, from where it and its accompanying ships launched raids spanning from Duro to Ylesia with the aim of weakening the Yuuzhan Vong and providing training to New Republic forces.

After three months of these raids, the Ralroost traveled to Treskov 115-W, a main-sequence star situated in the Deep Core, to set up an ambush for the Yuuzhan Vong fleet. For several weeks, they trained and fortified their defenses within the system, until they were attacked by a massive Yuuzhan Vong force. The ambush proved successful, resulting in the destruction of nearly a third of the Yuuzhan Vong fleet deployed. Following this victory, the Ralroost returned to Kashyyyk.

The path to Coruscant

The Ralroost maintained its position over Contruum Six alongside the remainder of the Galactic Alliance Defense Fleet. The war room situated on Kre'fey's flagship once more served as a meeting place for the military commanders tasked with coordinating the assault on Coruscant. Prior to the final discussion, held 72 hours before the planned assault, several briefings took place. Present at this discussion were Sovv, Brand, Bel Iblis, Antilles, Farlander, Pellaeon, and other military leaders. Chief of State Omas and several of his advisors participated via hologram. Upon the arrival of several Jedi Masters, including the Skywalkers, Kenth Hamner, Cilghal, and Madurrin, the meeting commenced. While Kre'fey, Sovv, and other military leaders were eager to initiate the attack on Coruscant, the Jedi advocated for caution, believing that the presence of Zonama Sekot within the Coruscant system, coupled with the heretical uprising unfolding on the capital's surface, could potentially lead to Shimrra's defeat without the need for a full-scale battle. Ultimately, the military approach was prioritized, with the Jedi agreeing to utilize Zonama Sekot as a diversion for Warmaster Nas Choka's fleet. Elements of the Defense Fleet began to mobilize, while the Ralroost remained stationed over Contruum 6 for the time being.

Generals Antilles, Farlander, Bel-Iblis, and Celchu were dispatched to recapture Corulag, a strategic move that would provide the Defense Fleet with a platform from which to launch the assault on Coruscant. Kre'fey awaited Antilles' signal confirming the security of Corulag before moving the Ralroost and elements of the First Fleet to the system. Upon contacting Antilles, Kre'fey informed the Human general that he had one hour to secure Corulag, expressing his concern that Nas Choka might target the Contruum staging point. To prevent the plan from collapsing, Kre'fey redirected elements of the Third and Fourth Fleets toward Coruscant via different approaches, while instructing Antilles and his fellow generals to proceed to Muscave, one of the outer worlds of the Coruscant system. Over the following hours, the massed Contruum fleet dispersed as Kre'fey's orders were executed. While Antilles established a defensive line at Muscave, Pellaeon and the Fourth Fleet spearheaded the attack on the Yuuzhan Vong defense fleet positioned over Coruscant.

Return to Coruscant

The Ralroost, accompanied by forty other warships, materialized in the Coruscant system between Muscave and Coruscant. The majority of Nas Choka's armada was engaged at Muscave, battling the forces of Antilles and Farlander, while simultaneously launching attacks on Zonama Sekot. Upon the Ralroost's arrival, Kre'fey organized his battle group and advanced swiftly toward Coruscant to reinforce the Third and Fourth Fleets. Seated in his command chair on the bridge of the Bothan Assault Cruiser, Kre'fey contemplated the battle, which was being fiercely contested at both Muscave and Coruscant. Despite reports of Supreme Overlord Shimrra's death, the fighting showed no signs of diminishing. As Kre'fey pondered whether to order a retreat of the Galactic Alliance Defense Fleet or to press the attack despite the anticipated losses, the captain of the Ralroost reported that Nas Choka's personal battle group had entered hyperspace and was expected to emerge imminently over Coruscant.

The Ralroost remained heavily involved in the battle; however, the arrival of Nas Choka's flotilla complicated the situation. Supreme Overlord Shimrra's personal warship entered orbit and began moving toward Choka's battle group. As it did so, the Ralroost suddenly became the primary target of Choka's entire flotilla. All of the warmaster's warships converged on the Bothan Assault Cruiser, subjecting it to a relentless assault. The Ralroost sustained significant damage, resulting in a loss of maneuverability. However, when Shimrra's warship suddenly detonated in a massive explosion, the Yuuzhan Vong soon surrendered. The assault on the Ralroost ceased—the Bothan Assault Cruiser had been on the front lines of the Yuuzhan Vong War since its beginning, and had survived the four years of conflict.

Commanders and crew

The Ralroost served as the flagship of Admiral Traest Kre'fey, a Bothan who had attended one of his species' less prestigious military academies, which consequently provided him with a more open-minded education. Kre'fey's ascent through the ranks of the New Republic military was rapid, partly due to the resignation of several senior Bothan military figures following the political fallout of the Caamas Document Crisis.

