Contruum Six

Contruum Six existed as a planet situated within the Contruum system.

This icy and diminutive world, known as Contruum 6, contained only two cities of significance. Essentially, it served as an outpost dependent on the larger Mid Rim hub of Contruum, sharing the same stellar system. Despite its comparative isolation within the system, Contruum 6 benefited from superior hyperspace connections. The Perlemian Trade Route was a mere micro-jump away, and two micro-jumps provided access to the Hydian Way.

Consequently, the Galactic Alliance utilized Contruum 6 as a crucial assembly point during the concluding phases of the Yuuzhan Vong War. It was here that a substantial portion of the Alliance's naval forces, including battle groups originating from distant locations such as Eriadu and the Imperial Remnant, congregated before the Battle of Yuuzhan'tar.

