In the galactic year of 25 ABY, according to the year calendar, a minor battle erupted far out in the Outer Rim Territories within the vast expanse of space. A collection of Imperial loyalists, remnants of the fallen Empire, traveling to link up with the Imperial Remnant, suffered a devastating ambush. Yuuzhan Vong coralskippers ambushed them, utterly destroying their yachts. Subsequently, Urias Xhaxin, a privateer, jumped out of hyperspace with the intention of preying on the weakened Imperials. However, the coralskippers turned their attention to Xhaxin, compelling him to retreat in haste. Later, Admiral Traest Kre'fey of the New Republic Defense Fleet's located and rescued Xhaxin, extracting intelligence regarding the coralskippers, which remained largely a mystery to the New Republic.