Third skirmish in the Outer Rim

A brief conflict unfolded within the vast expanse of space, specifically in the Outer Rim, during the year of 25 ABY. Previously, Rogue Squadron, serving the New Republic, had captured Urias Xhaxin, a privateer who had previously tangled with the coralskippers of the Yuuzhan Vong, a mysterious alien threat hidden in the Outer Rim. After extracting information from Xhaxin, Admiral Traest Kre'fey of the New Republic Defense Fleet initially deployed a probe droid to the site of Xhaxin's prior engagement. However, due to the inconclusive nature of the data gathered, he then dispatched a T-65BR X-wing reconnaissance starfighter, known as "Snoop," to enable a sentient being to gather and interpret the necessary data.

Rogue Squadron provided escort for the reconnaissance fighter, and upon reaching the designated location, they encountered and engaged a waiting group of coralskippers. Having dedicated time to conducting simulations against these fighters, the Rogues employed innovative tactics to counter the dovin basals of the coralskippers, which manipulated gravity to give them a tactical advantage in combat. The Rogues successfully eliminated all of their adversaries, but suffered the loss of Rogues Eleven and Twelve, known as Dinger and Tik. This initial real-world application of the New Republic's strategies against the coralskippers proved to be of vital importance as the Yuuzhan Vong War progressed.

