Ral'Rai Muvunc, a male Twi'lek, served the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War. He held the position of head of Ordnance and Supply (OaS).
Muvunc, in his capacity as head of OaS, held a position as one of the seven Supreme Commanders within the military's High Command. Furthermore, it appears he concurrently functioned as the Minister of Supply within the civilian administration.

Among the responsibilities he undertook, Muvunc was among a select few high-ranking individuals authorized to enlist the services of privateers for the Rebel cause. Unlike Admiral Ackbar of Fleet Command, he strongly advocated for this strategy. Muvunc granted letters of marque and reprisal to a number of Rebel privateers, including Chaeloe Dantin.
After the New Republic was established, Mon Mothma assigned Muvunc the task of assisting industrial planets abandoned by the Galactic Empire following the Battle of Endor. Often isolated and ecologically devastated by the Empire, these planets lacked indigenous food sources. Consequently, Muvunc initiated the dispatch of negotiation teams to liberate agricultural worlds and secure agreements to provide sustenance to these famine-stricken populations. One such team was deployed to Kaal in the Yushan sector in 2 ABY.
Subsequently, Ral'Rai Muvunc was appointed as the Minister of Commerce for the New Republic. In 8 ABY, he successfully negotiated the surrender of Kuat and its shipyards to the New Republic during the event known as the Taking of Kuat.
The Kaal Connection contains an inaccuracy, identifying the character as a Sullustan and referring to him as "Ral-Rai Muvunc."