The top-ranking Alliance Supreme Allied Commanders, frequently referred to as Supreme Commanders, represented the highest tier of Rebel Alliance military personnel, leading the diverse branches of the Rebellion's armed forces.
The seven Supreme Allied Commanders, alongside their respective roles, were as follows:
- ' Fleet Command' (Fleet)—Encompassing the Alliance Fleet of warships used in combat, along with their associated support elements.
- Ordnance and Supply (OaS)—Focused on the acquisition of weaponry, equipment, and provisions, as well as research and development activities.
- Starfighter Command (StarCom)—Responsible for the management of starfighter squadrons and the training of pilots; only a limited number of independent squadrons fell under StarCom's direct operational authority.
- Support Services (Support)—Managing bases, logistical hubs, supply vessels, secure havens, and production facilities.
- Intelligence (Intell)—Conducting espionage operations and intelligence assessments.
- Special Forces (SpecForces)—Comprising the Alliance's land-based military personnel.
- Sector Command (SecCom)—Supervising the largely independent Sector Forces under the command of regional governments and resistance movements that had sworn loyalty to the Alliance.
The names of the following Supreme Allied Commanders have been documented. While each possessed the title of Supreme Allied Commander, the manner of formal address differed.
- Gial Ackbar —Fleet
- Ral'Rai Muvunc —OaS
- Jan Dodonna —StarCom
- Vernan , later replaced by Airen Cracken —Intell
- Crix Madine —SpecForces