The diamond boron missile, a weapon conceived in the era of the Clone Wars, achieved its perfected form during the Galactic Civil War. These diamond and boron projectiles possessed a near immunity to laser weaponry of starfighter caliber and could be deployed from standard concussion missile launch systems. Their potent warheads could obliterate everything within a fifty-meter radius of the detonation point. This made the missile a highly effective weapon against enemy fighters, as a single explosion could eliminate multiple targets simultaneously.
This projectile, known as the diamond boron missile, measured one meter in length and was engineered for compatibility with typical concussion missile launcher systems, such as the ST2 concussion missile rack produced by Arakyd Industries'.
Upon launch, the missile would extend dorsal and ventral stabilizers from its rear, while expandable diamond boron blast plates would deploy at its front. The rear stabilizers enhanced both its armor and atmospheric agility, while the forward blast plates provided near-total protection against laser cannon fire from starfighters.
Fueled for ten minutes of flight, the missile employed thrust-vector plates within its exhaust nozzles, granting it exceptional maneuverability. The diamond boron missile was capable of achieving greater speeds than standard ordnance like proton torpedoes and concussion missiles.
The diamond boron missile offered a range of detonation settings. It could be programmed to detonate upon reaching a specific location or when its internal sensors detected a certain number of enemy vessels within its blast radius. Remote guidance by a gunner was also an option, though this made the projectile vulnerable to enemy jamming.
Although diamond boron missiles were resistant to starfighter weapons, capital ship turbolasers could destroy them. However, their small size made them difficult targets for turbolaser targeting systems to acquire.
The genesis of the diamond boron missile occurred during the Clone Wars. Its design wasn't perfected until the Galactic Civil war. During the Galactic Civil War, Sienar Fleet Systems produced the MS-15 diamond boron missile. However, the Sienar model was prohibitively expensive, costing nearly twenty thousand credits per unit. Its high cost, combined with reports of warheads detonating prematurely in storage, prevented its widespread adoption. Sienar continued its production while seeking more economical alternatives.
Imperial Broadside-class cruisers initially deployed diamond boron missiles during the Galactic Civil War, but later models were retrofitted to use concussion missiles. The Zann Consortium also frequently utilized these missiles, launching them from fixed space platforms. The freighter Suprosa employed a diamond boron missile to eliminate four Y-Wings flown by Bothans during the Alliance's attempt to capture the ship.