Diplomatic mission to Dathomir

A diplomatic mission was launched to Dathomir by the Jedi Knight Rachi Sitra following the battle of Talus. This mission, however, failed when Sitra's shuttle entered Dathomir space; Boba Fett's ship, the Slave I, ambushed it. Fett, along with a team of bounty hunters, sought to collect the bounty placed on Sitra. Hiding behind an asteroid, Fett launched a surprise attack on the shuttle. A well-aimed shot from a heavy blaster cannon disabled the shuttle's hyperdrive, after which boarding commenced. As soon as the airlock was breached, Sitra activated her lightsaber, readying herself for combat. The battle began when Fett fired a rocket from his wrist launcher. Subsequently, another bounty hunter disarmed Sitra, causing her to drop her lightsaber. Beaten and injured, the Jedi was forced to give herself up to the bounty hunters. Fett restrained her with energy binders and readied her for transport to Imperial officials.

