A field disruptor, also known as a disruptor field, was a kind of projected field that caused interference with both coherent energy fields and electronic systems. The Infinite Empire of the Rakatan civilization was infamous for using disruptor fields to lay waste to entire planets.
In the year 3956 BBY, an electrical overload and resulting disruption, caused by a disruptor field emanating from the Temple of the Ancients situated on the planet of Lehon, forced Revan's starship, the Ebon Hawk, to crash land. Revan and his crew needed to disable the disruptor field by adjusting the controls on the Temple Summit to gain access to the Star Forge. The Sith fleet positioned in orbit around the planet possessed shielding capable of withstanding this technology, and thus remained unaffected by the field.
Within the Rakatan Archipelago, a group of isolated settlements located in the Unknown Regions that managed to endure after the Infinite Empire collapsed, some Rakata tribes managed to reactivate the disruptor fields on their respective planets, employing them to disable approaching ships for the purpose of looting and pillaging.
During the era of the Yuuzhan Vong War, field disruptors could be made compact and portable, which led to soldiers on Gyndine, a world protected by shielded technology, to carefully examine incoming refugees in search of concealed field disruptors.