The Rakatan Archipelago was a far-flung region of space situated within the Unknown Regions of the galaxy. It was comprised of a number of dispersed, isolated tribal Rakata hailing from the planet of Lehon.
The scattered tribes of the Rakata, who had previously escaped from Lehon shortly before the fall of the Infinite Empire around 25,200 BBY, populated the planets of the Rakata Archipelago. As they fled Lehon, the Rakata brought along various pieces of technology, along with numerous slaves and wildlife, and resettled in the Rakatan Archipelago. Ultimately, these colonists represented the very last remnants of the Rakatan species, as they had become extinct on Lehon.
On certain worlds within the Rakatan Archipelago, priests and warrior groups joined forces to utilize the remarkable inventions of their predecessors. Among these more advanced worlds, the daily violence was diminished as the desire to reclaim their lost greatness grew stronger. At least two enlightened tribes had progressed far enough to rediscover space travel and commence the construction of small space stations, resembling the Star Forge, and they engaged in competition with one another for resources and technology.
Conversely, on other worlds, the division between the two classes resulted in open warfare, with the warring primitive factions employing weapons they scarcely understood, leaving the terrain scarred and radiating with radioactivity. Among these factions were barbaric tribes that held the belief that their worlds encompassed the entirety of creation, and waged war against other indigenous species.
The other powers residing in the Unknown Regions remained largely unaware and uninformed about the threat posed by these Rakata, although the Rakata themselves generally avoided encounters with the Vagaari when possible. Nevertheless, neighboring species suffered abuse at the hands of the Rakata tribes. Surveyors from the Galactic Republic were unable to pinpoint the location of the Rakatan Archipelago and were oblivious to the potential danger that, should the Rakata manage to restore their ancient technology, they could rise to power once more.
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