
Divtos, venomous three-headed serpents, were a perilous species indigenous to the forest moon of Endor.

Biology and appearance

The typical length of a divto was three meters; however, fully grown specimens could reach lengths of up to 4.5 meters. They would lie in wait for their prey in areas of dense, tall grass, using all three heads to strike quickly and inject a paralyzing venom. After the venom had taken hold, the snake would transport its immobilized prey into the dense forest for a leisurely meal.

Due to the presence of a small brain in each head, coupled with a central brain at the base of the necks that coordinated movement, fully grown divtos were notoriously hard to kill. The presence of bilaterally symmetrical organs in the main body and the two outer necks provided a significant advantage, allowing them to survive injuries that would prove fatal to other species. Nevertheless, the severing of the central head invariably led to death.


On one occasion, a young Ewok named Malani was attacked by a divto. However, just as the serpent was about to bite her, the Ewok warrior Chirita intervened, using her stick to catch the fangs and fling the creature into the undergrowth, preventing any harm to Malani.

Divtos in the galaxy

Despite originating on Endor, Divtos were known to inhabit other planets, exhibiting a range of colorations. Endorian divtos commonly displayed a muted brown hue or patterns of red and black stripes along their bodies. Divtos found on other worlds often displayed more vibrant colors, including gold, blue, and vivid green. A particular variant on Mimban, also known as Circarpous V, possessed translucent skin and a prominent hood situated behind each head. Divtos shed their skin approximately every three to four standard years, and these discarded skins were utilized in the creation of clothing.

