Dixon Dadeferron, the proprietor of the Kail Ranges, held critical views regarding the Corporate Sector Authority. He had two sons, Trevim and Torm; Trevim stood to inherit the Ranges should Dixon die. Following the passing of his sons' mother, Dixon, along with Trevim and Torm, journeyed to Maryo, a resort planet. During this trip, without Dixon's knowledge, Torm was contacted by agents of the Authority and consented to spy on both Dixon and Trevim for the organization.
Soon after this, Dixon and Trevim were abducted and subsequently incarcerated at Stars' End, an Authority prison. With complete dominion over the Ranges and owing a debt to the Authority, Torm managed to infiltrate the leadership of an organization focused on locating missing persons, including Dixon and Trevim. Han Solo thwarted Torm's attempts to sabotage the group and successfully freed Dixon and Trevim, along with numerous other inmates, from Stars' End.