Dmaynel Kiph, a Devaronian male, resided within the Invisec sector of the planet known as Coruscant.
Due to its speciesist practices, Kiph harbored a deep resentment for the Galactic Empire. Assembling a group of non-human individuals who shared his views, Kiph established the Alien Combine, an organization composed of Invisec inhabitants opposed to both the Empire and Humans. This group launched attacks directed at the Galactic Empire, and, readily labeling Humans as prejudiced, they killed individuals they deemed to be such, returning their remains to the Empire as a form of warning. Rogue Squadron pilot Gavin Darklighter was nearly one of these victims, but before that could happen, the Empire attacked the Alien Combine's base while Darklighter and his Rogue allies were brought before Kiph. Kiph sustained injuries during the battle, but the Rogues came to his rescue, and he subsequently assisted them in seizing control of Coruscant.