The Dolandu were a humanoid species covered in white fur that originated on the moon of Skalokor. They engaged in trapping and mountaineering, establishing small communities specifically for the purpose of trading. The Dolandu held the Jedi Order in high regard, and at one time, Jedi Master Niquon and his Padawan, Nason Laric, made their home near the Dolandu settlement known as Stomorr. Forces under the command of Dark Jedi from off-world launched an attack on the residents of Stomorr, with the intention of killing the Jedi Master. However, Niquon, with the assistance of Laric, successfully repelled the attackers.
Dolandu formed communities such as Stomorr, a lively and welcoming hub for commerce. In such places, local Dolandu would congregate to exchange various goods and information, as well as to seek refuge from the harsh cold. Their settlements featured flagstone-paved streets and open plazas adorned with statues. Certain Dolandu pursued occupations as trappers and mountaineers, often equipped with pikes. While they possessed a unique regional dialect, they were also capable of communicating in Galactic Basic Standard, though often with a noticeable accent.
The Jedi Order was greatly admired by the Dolandu.

The Dolandu's origins lie on Skalokor, a moon characterized by its forests and mountains. Skalokor orbits the Expansion Region planet Yabosta, which appears as a blue-white disc in the sky and has been settled by Humans alongside other species. Jedi Master Niquon once lived on Skalokor, where he trained his Padawan, Nason Laric, in the mountainous terrain near Stomorr. The Dolandu came to view Niquon as their guardian, and those who were aware of his sanctuary secretly provided him with supplies through trade. This arrangement was disrupted when an elderly Dolandu named Borta stumbled upon a malfunctioning droid. Upon presenting it to Niquon, the Jedi Master identified it as an assassin droid. This droid, originally a medical droid that had been modified, possessed the ability to inject lethal poison into its targets. Niquon, accompanied by Borta, descended from his sanctuary to Stomorr, intending to use his healing abilities to aid any Dolandu who had been poisoned. Simultaneously, he dispatched his Padawan to Yabosta to have the droid examined by Lowghen Badra, a technician and pilot known to Niquon.
A group of Dark Jedi had dispatched the droid to the moon with the explicit goal of killing Niquon. They had armed it with drethi venom, a substance particularly deadly to Force users when fresh, described as "burning when the Force flows." Von Totha, an apprentice of the Dark Jedi, oversaw the operation on Skalokor. In addition to the assassin droid, he commanded a force comprising droid fighters, Rodian mercenaries, and a live drethi. Totha's forces launched a full-scale assault on the Stomorr settlement, poisoning several Dolandu leaders and causing the remaining residents to seek refuge in their homes while Niquon attempted to defend them. The Jedi Master successfully defeated all the droids and Rodians but sustained severe injuries from the drethi.
Niquon was rescued by his Padawan, who returned from Yabosta with Badra. Together, they overcame the drethi, saving Niquon and the Dolandu of Stomorr. They utilized expired drethi venom as an antidote, healing both Niquon and the poisoned Dolandu leaders. The Dolandu gradually emerged from their homes, celebrating their victory and welcoming Laric as a second protector of their village.
The Dolandu were conceived by S. John Ross for the interactive adventure Jedi's Legacy, featured in Star Wars Gamer 10, published by Wizards of the Coast in April 2002. While the adventure lacks a specific time setting, it alludes to a Jedi Temple on Coruscant, as well as the existence of Padawans and Padawan braids. Given that these elements are present in both the old Jedi Order and the New Jedi Order, they offer no definitive clue as to the story's placement in the timeline.
As the game is structured as an interactive adventure, the player character, Laric, faces the possibility of death at numerous points throughout the story. This can occur while Laric is on Yabosta, potentially preventing the drethi antidote from reaching Skalokor, or during his confrontation with the drethi in Stomorr. In either scenario, the fate of the Dolandu residing in the Stomorr settlement remains uncertain.