
Dolomar was the sector capital for the Dolomar sector. The population, primarily Human, dwelled in subterranean complexes to escape the extreme cold above. Diflu, the largest of these underground settlements, was situated in the northern mountains of the planet, specifically the L'tiri Peaks. A local day on Dolomar spanned 45 standard hours, while a local year consisted of 224 local days. The planet's hydrosphere existed predominantly in a frozen state, forming glaciers and snow.


Early history

Initially established as a colony of the Galactic Republic, the planet experienced rapid settlement due to the presence of substantial deposits of ores and various specialized minerals and crystals. The planet's 1.5 billion inhabitants maintained a participatory democracy. In addition to its valuable mineral resources, the world exported a distinctive spiced wine, which gained popularity in numerous galactic cantinas.

New Republic

Following the Battle of Endor, Dolomar quickly aligned itself with the New Republic when local resistance forces removed the Imperial governor, but it endured intense combat during the Thrawn campaign. The Dolomars, secure within their deep subterranean cities, were shielded from orbital attacks. The Empire discovered the unwavering determination of the natives through a harsh lesson: the initial invasion force was ambushed and completely destroyed.

The world evolved into a fiercely contested battleground, as New Republic fleet elements and local Dolomar defense units resisted the Imperial invasion fleet. Imperial transports that managed to evade the defensive screen of New Republic warships were frequently shot down by skilled Dolomar gunners operating anti-aircraft weaponry positioned across the planet. The few Imperial forces that successfully landed were swiftly isolated and eliminated by local residents fighting from concealed passages and caves.

The struggle for the world held such significance that Supreme Commander Ackbar of the New Republic personally inspected the units assigned to defend it.

At some point, the New Republic relocated the sector capital from Dolomar to Caprioril.

